The Italian Association of Road Safety Professionals (AIPSS) is a not-for-profit association aiming at the promotion of road safety best practices and at the dissemination of road safety research results. Road safety professionals willing to contribute to such goals are invited to join us.

October 2023    

Road tests of the autonomous robot for the repair of cracks and small holes in the road surface, prototype built by AIPSS on the basis of the carrier supplied by the partner TMR as part of the European InfraROB project

The robot will be completed with a device capable of extruding a particular mixture of cold bituminous conglomerate (Cold Mixed Asphalt) capable of effectively filling small holes without preventive interventions.

The project, in addition to the specific activities of AIPSS, also includes autonomous machines for paving road traffic, mobile road cones, surveillance with drones and small autonomous robots for road markings. Go to the project website

May 3, 2023

Workshop at the European Parliament AIPSS presented
to some members of the Transport Commitee of the European
Parliament the firstresults of the FitDrive project, together with
the other European partners.

The workshop was attended by officers from DG MOVE and
the European Agency CINEA, who presented an overview
of European projects on transport safety. Part of the video is available here

In the image, starting from right side: Carlo Polidori (AIPSS), Manuel Picardi (EFA, organizer of the event), Marco Campomenosi (Member of the European Parliament, to whom thanks go for hosting the workshop), Ancuta Pasca (CINEA, FitDrive Project officer), Pablo Perez-Illana (CINEA-Head of Unit, Transport).

For more details go to the website of the FitDrive project

January 16, 2023
The European Commission has published guidelines on the methodology for road safety assessments at network level. These guidelines aim to guide the safety assessments of the road networks of EU states, as required by Directive 2019/1936 on road infrastructure safety management. The Guidelines consist of a first section on the reactive methodology, focused on the analysis of existing accident data. Starting from the scope of application and its limits, indications are provided on how to process accident data and it is explained how to evaluate and classify a road section .

A second section describes the proactive
which evaluates the intrinsic safety of roads based
on their intrinsic characteristics. The scope of application is presented and the limits of the
evaluation defined, together with the parameters considered in the evaluation, the score to be assigned to
these parameters, the classification of each road section. A further section describes the integrated methodology which
allows the results of the previous evaluations to be combined in order to produce the ranking of the road network examined,
based on 5 different intervention priorities. The guidelines are completed by two tools (excel files) for the implementation
of the two reactive and proactive methodologies and are available on this site of the European Commission

September 2021

AIPSS works together its associates CTL-Sapienza
and Ingegneria-ROMATRE in a new European research
project on Road Safety .

We are leader of WP3 "Autonomous Robotized Machinery for the Routine Maintenance of Pavement & RPxS for Safer Operations"
and in charge of the development of di"Robot to repair potholes and cracks during asphalt routine maintenance"
Go to the project website

September 2021- AIPSS partecipates together with its associates universities in a new European research project on Road Safety FitDrive: "Monitoring devices for overall FITness of DRIVErs - improving road safety by effectively monitoring working patterns and overall fitness of drivers"

We are leader of WP5 "TESTS AND EVALUATION" and WP7 "COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION"; Go to the project website

Go to the event page with all
the video-presentations available


31 Augost 2020. Resolution of UN General Assembly on Roa d Safety,
endorsing the Stockhom Declaration (see below) and announcing
the Second Decade of Actions for Road Safety .

Download the full resolution


The 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety was
held in Stockholm (Sweden) on 19th and 20th February 2020.

In the picture, starting from the left side: Manuel Picardi,
Vice-President EFA (European Association of Driving Schools),
Carlo Polidori, President of AIPSS and Oliver Deiters, Senior
Vice-President DEKRA (German Motor Vehicle Surveillance
Association. read more



Bruxelles, 09 September 2019. AIPSS joins as observer the
Cooperative, Connected, Automated and Autonomous Mobility (CCAM)
Single Platform, an informal group of both private and public stakeholders
set up by the European Commission.
We are involved in the Working Group 4 "Road Safety" More info



Bruxelles, 16 May 2019 - AIPSS
co-organized an international workshop
on new training modules for drivers and driving
instructors, in the framework of the EU project SIMUSAFE

Go to the proceedings



European Parliament, 06 December 2017: AIPSS participates at the seminar: "Autonomous Driving and its impact on society "
The answers to two questions posed by AIPSS highlighted the still large uncertainty about the future of autonomous vehicles
Click here or on the picture to watch a 5 min. video

Burgos (Spain), 01 June 2017 - Start of the H2020 Project SIMUSAFE!

AIPSS, together with its associates "Engineering department of ROMA TRE University" and "CTL - Centre for transport and logistics - Sapienza Università di Roma", is one of the 16 partners

The goal of SIMUSAFE (SIMUlator of Behavioural Aspects for SAFEr Transport) is to develop realistic multi-agent behavioural models in a transit environment where researchers will be able to monitor and introduce changes in every aspect, gathering data not available in real world conditions. This will also enable the evaluation of scenarios which are not possible even with naturalistic driving (dangerous conditions)

-------------------------------------------------------------Go to the project web page

Bruxelles, 31 May 2017 - ECOROADS PROJECT

AIPSS is promoter and partner of the project, that has been prepared and
submitted together with other International Associations.

AIPSS, together with its associates who participated in the project (ASTRAL -
Latium Road Company, CTL - Research Center for Transportation and
Logistics of the Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Engineering of the University ROMA TRE, NET Engineering spa) Partners from other 7 European countries, is proud to have contributed significantly to the upcoming update of the European Directive 2004/54 / EC (Road Traffic Safety) and 2008/96 / EC (Road Infrastructure Security), thus fully fulfilling its statutory mission.
Click here to download a short presentation

Go to the official project web page:

Roma, 16 January 2017 - Seminar: "The Roads and Ancient Roman Engineering"

"Sapienza" University of Rome with John Walker and the Students of St. Thomas University

Go to the page with the programme

2016: Petition to the European Commission for compulsory information about vehicles' stopping distance!.

Cars' advertisings already have information about their CO2 emissions: adding those related to their stopping distance
will raise the awareness on the risks associated with speed and consequently counteract dangerous driving behaviours.

-------------------------------------------------------------Click here to go to the page with the text of the petition

Geneva, 01 October 2015 - Consultation of Mr. Jean Todt, as Special Envoy of
the UN Secretary-General for Road Safety, with representatives of civil society

AIPSS attended the meeting, Click here to go to the page with the video

SAFETY PREVENTION MANUAL FOR SECONDARY ROADS. Delivered by the Pilot4Safety project with the contribution of several members of our Association. (click on the figure to download the Manual)