Local road infrastructure safety management in Europe: moving towards a harmonised approach
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, Brussels - Room 6Q1- Tuesday 22nd November 2011 From 18.30 to 20.30

L'evento, dati il luogo e il pubblico, si è svolto interamente in lingua inglese.
The European Parliament and the
European Council issued the 2008/96/CE Directive on road
infrastructure safety management, foreseeing safety checks, training and
certification of road safety auditors. Due to EU rules, the Directive is mandatory only in the
TEN-T road network (i.e. the major European highways), while the highest number of fatalities occurs on local and
regional roads. A European research project called Pilot4Safety (http://pilot4safety.fehrl.org) is trying to overcome this "barrier"
by using part of the Directive as a template for safety application on regional roads. Following a specific training in Brussels for local
road safety experts, based on a common course, an international agreement has been made between five European regions (in Italy,
Greece, Spain, Denmark and Czech Republic) which allows the experts to perform road safety operations in their territories. At the same
time, another European research project called Safer BraIn (http://www.saferbrain.eu) is outlining the problems related to the transferability
of best practices, taking into account cultural differences and other local factors. Member States were given until December 2010 to bring
into force laws and regulations necessary to comply with the 2008/96/CE Directive. An example will be given about the Italian Law 35/11
for the transposition of the Directive, which foresees the extension of the Directive to national roads by 2016 and to the entire Italian
road network by 2020 under the supervision of the regions. The aim of the seminar is to inform the Transport Committee of the European Parliament about the status of implementation of the Directive across Europe, increase public awareness on the ongoing efforts and enlarge the group of the European regions and stakeholders for future common initiatives.
18:30 Welcome: Hon. Antonio Cancian, MEP - Committee on Transport and Tourism
Introduction: Mr. Carlo Polidori, Secretary of AIPSS -
- Mr. Joris Al, President of FEHRL (Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories) and General Director of RWS-DVS
- Mr. Adewole Adesiyun, Deputy Secretary General of FEHRL and Coordinator of the Pilot4Safety Project -
- Mr. Xavier Cocu, BRRC (Belgian Road Research Centre)- Responsible of the task 5 "Training" in the Pilot4Safety Project -
------------ Mr. Veit Appelt, CEO of A+S GmbH and responsible of WP2 "Conditions of Transferability" in the Safer Brain Project -
- Ms. Barbara Marinali, General
Director of Road Infrastructures - Italian Ministry of
Infrastructures and Transport -
19:40 Open Discussion: Introduced and moderated by Ms Maria Cristina Marolda, European Commission
DG MOVE - Research and Innovative Transport Systems
20:00 Closing Remarks: Mr. Stefano Campagnolo, European Commission DG Move - Road safety Unit